Are pets allowed in Birch Pointe?
OWNERS are permitted to have two (2) ambulatory pets (dogs or cats) within their units.
All pets must be cared for by their owner such that they are treated to prevent transmittable diseases, parasites, infections, and any condition that could negatively affect other pets in the community. All pets must be supervised and properly leashed when on the community’s common grounds, and all waste must be picked up and disposed of by the owner. All pet noise must be controlled and not disruptive to neighbors. Failure to comply with these rules will be cause for review of the owner’s right to have a pet in the condominium unit.
RENTERS are not permitted to have pets in Birch Pointe.
From the Birch Pointe Code of Conduct: “No pets shall be permitted upon any common element or in any unit except pets owned by unit owners. Dogs, cats, and other ambulatory pets shall, when not on a leash, be kept within its owner’s unit. No dog, cat, or other animal shall be permitted to relieve itself on any shrub, patio, building, fence, car, or other items of personal property. Any solid waste left on any common area shall be promptly placed in a bag and put in the pet owner’s refuse container. Every pet owner shall take all reasonable steps to prevent the noise, waste or odors of his pet from annoying other unit owners. No animal, insect, fish or reptile of any kind shall be bred, born, or buried in a unit or common element over the objection of any other unit owner or occupant; and in no event shall more than two ambulatory pets or birds be kept in any unit. Unit owners or occupants shall be strictly liable for the actions of same. The Council shall have the right to require that any habitually diseased, infested, unclean or noisy animal, bird, reptile, fish, or insect, be removed from the condominium project.”
*See the New Castle County Code Enforcement Regulations for more information about pets in multi-family communities.
What is the parking policy?
Currently, the policy comprises of the following:
- Issuance of a Birch Pointe branded and numbered hang tag at a rate of one tag per unit.
- Recording a completed census form with all vehicle information, containing vehicle identification including make, model, color and license number. *No Resident tags will be renewed without the required Census form.
- Owners with a handicapped parking spot must still obtain a hangtag. A handicapped parking spot does not entitle a unit to a second hangtag.